Lebende Minus Tote
theatrale subversion
Lebende Minus Tote is a project in which we were researching the impact of recent Corona pandemic, the actions taken by government and it’s impact on the most risk part of the population.
Since the premiere took part during lockdown period, people who the piece was made for couldn’t attend. Therefore, a 360° movie was produced. Find out more here.
Künstlerische Leitung | Regie | Performance: Alexander Bauer, Romy Weyrauch, Michael Neil McCrae
Musikalische Leitung | Komposition | Performance: Mathias Monrad Møller
Performerin | Text: Katharina Bill
Darsteller:innen | Sänger:innen: Paula Götz, Wolf-Dieter Gööck, Leila Schütz
Bühnenbild: Jenny Barthold
Kostümbild: Konstanze Grotkopp
Technische Leitung | Lichtdesign: Martin Mulik
Outside-Eye: Miriam Coretta Schulte
Video: Alexander Bauer, Maks Pallas
Videotechnik: Bildkraft
Betreuung 360° Technik | Postproduktion 360° Video: René Blümel
Soundeinrichtung und Postproduktion 360° Sound: Helge Petzold
Produktionsleitung: Nicole Meier
Photo ©André Wirsig